And a third. And a fourth. And a sixty-fourth, if necessary! Because good music is not necessarily the one that immediately pleases your ears. It´s the one that makes you think a little harder, listen a little harder, so that ultimately you might rise and fall a little harder. It doesn´t invade, it asks permission - and even in that, within all the sound, it does so in a silent manner. It begs for another "PLAY", even if it is not the center of attention. And it is often here that it makes itself heard more intensely, more meticulously. Soon enough, you are delicately assaulted by a pulsing of pitch, rhythm, melody and harmony in such a manner that it becomes addictive. It becomes essential. It inspires. It enslaves you and sets you free at the same time.
Several bands have afforded me such pleasures, from giants of music like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and the Beatles to lesser known bands such as Marillion and not-yet-giants Coldplay or the Dave Matthews Band. They have all contributed to my undeniable awe of music´s capacities and influences.
Lately, and may I say that this is the reason for this particular blog, it is Radiohead which impresses me. I purchased "OK Computer" a while ago, based simply on word-of-mouth and musical reviews. Listened to it once. Listened to it twice, three times and declared it a "dissapointment". A few kilos of dust later, pulled it out again and threw it on the CD player for a little aural entertainment as I busied myself with other tasks. And then, ladies and gentleman, I urge you to re-read the first paragraph. Must I say more?
Um comentário:
Radiohead produces great music. If you are finally feeling "OK Computer", next give "Kid A" a chance. It's less of an immediate pleasure, but will grow on you in a distinct way.
If you are feeling dissonance, check out Tom Waits. First stop...Rain Dogs.
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