As New York glistens under more than two feet of fresh snow, I sit and await the next glacial age to maybe witness Rio under a white blanket. How beautiful that would be... As this will not happen in the next few minutes, let´s just appreciate what nature is capable of when it turns down the heat and turns on the faucet.
To add insult to injury, the place registering the highest amount of snow (at least as far as I've seen, with 28 inches!) is exactly Easton, Connecticut, where I used to live!
To my friends in New York and Connecticut: Wish I were there...
Um comentário:
Enfim, sobrevivemos ao domingo chuvoso mas sem neve... Um dia que começa cedo, termina estranho e... Bem-vindo à segunda-feira! Calor no centro... Muito trabalho... Argh! Vamos fugir pra Mauá no próximo findi? Bjos
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