I discovered something tonight, and it is something which may come as an insult to some, a surprise to most:
I do not like Woody Allen.
Now, before you start barking obscenities at me and my family tree, let´s get some facts down. First of all, I am no great movie connoisseur when it comes to the technical aspects of producing a film and I am, by no means, a film critic. Second, I must admit that I have seen far too few of Woody´s films to truly be able to praise or criticize him. However, if you would be so kind to re-read my "first of all", please acknowledge that I am therefore eligible to say whatever the hell I want! So without further ado...
His movies seem to lack dynamics and they seem to lack passion. What it feels like to me is that Allen, an accomplished filmmaker considered a genius by many, is merely fulfilling whatever obligations or standards are expected of him. Seems like there's not enough energy to fuel his films.
Don't get me wrong, Woody Allen has long proven to be a great story teller. It´s just that his stories don´t seem to be doing his storytelling justice! Take for example "Match Point", which is the reason for this post. Despite some interesting twists and a fascinating and persistent catch-phrase ("I'd rather be lucky than good"), the story is positively trite!! It´s been told a million times in a million ways. It adds nothing. It drags itself out just a bit longer than may have been necessary. I would even go so far as to say that it bores the viewer in a few moments! And this may be just one of Woody Allen's signature traits, but the camera seems a bit static, a bit limited in light of the events that unfold before it. But hey, that´s just my opinion.
If you´re sitting there crucifying me for the outrageous quantity of garbage (hey, you said it, not me!) that has just come from my brain, through my fingertips, to the screen and into your eyes, I will make a promise:
If, after watching classics like "Play It Again, Sam", "Sleeper", "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)", "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and the likes, I realize that I am currently in the process of making a fool of myself to anyone who knows that Woody is indeed a master of his art, I will write another post to retract and beg forgiveness.
One final thought: Do you think it would be possible for Scarlett Johansson to act in every movie ever made, from here on in? And if so, do you think she could start every scene looking like she does in the first time she appears in "Match Point"? I swear, every man and woman in that theater gasped and every jaw dropped! Simply gorgeous...
Um comentário:
Well, sempre achei Woody Allen meio chato, embora deva reconhecer seu talento cinematográfico. É apenas uma crítica pessoal mesmo, questão de gosto... Mas sabe que esse filme de ontem foi um dos melhores pra mim? Talvez pq tenha fugido um pouco dos clichês usuai, do humor negro peculiar e tenho surpreendido em sua ironia com uma morte. Realmente esperava tudo num filme de Woody Allen, menos um assassinato... Beijocas
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