Isn´t it funny? I have spent the better part of the decade crucifying the man I consider responsible for the chaos in international politics in the beginning of the 21st century. George W. Bush seems to think that showing his virility by means of all out invasions and hostile politics are the way to go. It almost happened with North Korea, it happened with Iraq, it´s almost happening with Iran.
Well, my american friends... Don´t feel too bad. Here we have the exact opposite! Our illustrious president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, affectionately known as Lula, has been showing a predilection for getting *CENSORED* (let´s just say that it has to do with invading a certain body-cavity), enjoying it and then paying for it!! Let me explain:
Brazil has heavy investments in the production and extraction of natural gas in Bolivia by means of energy-giant Petrobras. Or should I say had, thanks to the newly elected president of Bolivia, a man named Evo Morales, a populist of native Incan background, a man of little education, full of empty promises and bravados, and more importantly, a pawn of Hugo Chavez, whom we all know very well.
A few weeks ago, Mr. Morales decided that he would nationalize Bolivia's natural gas resources. And apparently, he felt that he needed to do so by flexing his (little) military muscles against Petrobras - and consequently, Brazil - on Bolivian territory, by invading and taking over brazilian owned and operated natural gas industries, and then expelling its officials. Mind you, these are industries that are operated legally and in accordance to all political and financial treaties between the two countries by Petrobras. In other words, Morales trampled over everything from industrial contracts to private property. He then proceeded to exorbitantly raise the prices of natural gas. And if that wasn´t enough, he now declares Brazil as being a usurper, a pillager, a danger, etc, etc... Needless to say, Morales' proud grin after "beating down the south american giant" in a David and Goliath-like fashion had behind it the sly smirk of Mr. Chavez.
Lula´s reaction on behalf of Petrobras and Brazil?
A formal protest in international courts! Nope...
A demand of payment for losses in private property! Nah...
A demand for the compliance in terms of contracts! Not that either...
The slighest threat, militarily speaking! Not a chance...
The demand for a simple apology! C'mon, AN APOLOGY!! Not even...
Oh, but he DID react! And here is how:
Even though Brazil has already found other sources and means to maintain the steady supply of natural gas it needs, Lula has stated that the country will continue to purchase natural gas from Bolivia, at new and abusive prices, to help its "poor people".
Somebody pinch me.
Mr. Lula sends the following message to brazilians and to the rest of the world:
Humiliation, theft, ridicule, disrespect and the many other implications of actions such as the ones undertaken by Bolivia will be pacifically accepted with a smile and a reward in cash!
I wonder if Lula asked for a lubricant...
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