Maybe it´s time to start writing again, regardless of the 4-month long writer's block that has been installed in me. But let´s start slow...
All music deserves a chance. No matter how regurgitatively bad it may seem at first, it nevertheless has its value. Lately, I've been slowly learning this curious little fact.
Don´t get me wrong, I still think that some musical genres are positively atrocious, unhealthy for both mind and body. I might cite hard heavy metal or rap or brazilian funk, in my case. But you know the saying: Opinions are like...CENSORED Everybody's got theirs.
Let's look at my case; it´s the one I'll have the most authority to deal with. I may indeed loathe the genres named above, but if I look at certain qualities and aspects of each one, they all have at least one valuable facet.
Heavy metal derives much of its inspiration from classical (believe it my friend, it´s true).
Rap incorporates into its contents healthy doses of modern negro culture (and don´t ask me to use "african-this or african-that" - I'm not european-latin-brazilian, nor do I want to be labeled in such manner. But that´s another subject altogether!)
Brazilian funk has a similar, although less developed, cultural ingredient and hordes of people love to dance to the rhythm (myself NOT included).
And so on and so forth -
And I... I have recently been bitten by the most improbable of bugs. Having discovered, shall we say by a "friendly shove", one of electronic music's segments, I am forced to admit that I'm quite addicted to TRANCE and PSYTRANCE. If you had forecast this future to me six months ago, it is likely that I would have developed a distrust for the mirrors in my house, because it certainly wouldn't be ME looking back.
But there it is, I'm in love with the music. More importantly than that, I'm in love with something much more dear to me. It's been TOO LONG since the last time I discovered a new musical passion worthy of an amplified and meticulous exploration of new sounds and rhythms.
And I do acknowledge that trance and psytrance does not offer all that much in terms of cultural and spiritual value (and that it may be simply maddening to some!). But it is a sound capable of drowning me in an unstoppable need and desire to move, do dance, to feel. That is its value. It is energy. And once you have understood this, you can start searching for what is minute and precious, what is beautiful and hypnotic. I feel I am starting to perceive this.
And this is true about any type of music. Some have large quantities of one thing and almost none of another. But its appeal depends on the listener's needs.
I will never like rap, I will never like heavy metal, I will always classify brazilian funk as truly vile and there are more dislikes in this list. But at least I can finally understand their existence. It is a valuable lesson to learn, and one which I have always been somewhat reluctant to accept.
Um comentário:
Good post. Great to see your blog back in action...been a long time.
How boring music would be if it were in one genre, one style. I also don't listen to rap or heavy metal, or trance by choice. I'm rotating between jazz, blues, artists like Bob Dylan and Radiohead, Woody Guthrie, Django Reinhardt, Johnny Cash, Stevie Wonder, and more.
And I'm sure there will be a new group that I'll be listening to for weeks, or a new song on repeat... It's all good. Keeping an open mind, and EAR, is key. Hearing is one of god's great gifts...too often taken for granted.
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